I had a parent talk to me about how they are frequently told it is important for children to swing, slide and spin around, but have not been told why this was important. Children learn and develop through engaging their senses in novel and interesting ways. They have an innate drive to seek...
“My child is such a sore loser!” – how to help your child become better at losing.
One of the most common challenges we see when working with kids, is difficulty with losing. Many rounds of Pop Up Pirate have ended in tears and scattered game pieces. For children, losing can feel very unexpected and extremely frustrating. Learning how to win respectfully and lose gracefully is...
When the world just feels too much – sensory modulation and it’s impact on everyday function.
Sensory modulation is the body and brain’s filtering system. Sensation is funneled to the brain for processing. This “funneling” is not always effective whereby there is too much, or too little sensation allowed in. Effective sensory modulation is a pre-requisite for the maintenance of a...
“Mum, I touched the bubble and it popped!” – Benefits of Cause and Effect Play
Cause and effect play often happens spontaneously when a child realises that some action they initiated has a certain effect, often unexpected or novel. Every time the child drops the fork on the floor and mum picks it up, every time they jump into a puddle and mud splashes everywhere, every time...
It’s Home Time – Developmental Tips for Mum’s and Dad’s
It is important to keep your baby’s head straight in midline as much as possible however, this does not mean your baby should always be laying flat on their back. Babies who are not given the opportunity to be nursed, carried and positioned in a variety of ways are at risk of developing flat spots...
Don’t forget to play
Play is universally agreed to be an essential part of development. Through play children explore and learn about the world and how it works. Play has been found to support development of skills in emotional regulation, problem solving, planning and sequencing, object use, communication, and sets...
Let me have a crack first!
Children learn best through repetition and opportunities where they can experience success. In fact, scientists have discovered that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a connection in the brain. However, Dr Karyn Purvis found, when done in a playful, safe, and supported way, that...
Why can’t my child sit still?
How many times do parents and teachers tell a child to “sit properly and pay attention”? Almost everyday! Fidgeting, rocking back and forth, restlessness and slumping are commonly seen in the classroom. Consequently, children who can’t sit still are often deemed as “misbehaved, naughty and...
Sleep – it’s not always as easy as counting sheep.
When we sleep our eyes are closed, our muscles are relaxed and our awareness to the outside world is diminished. Although our body is still, when we sleep our brains are quite active, working hard to get rid of harmful toxins and preparing for the next day. From around 6 months of age, our...
About Us
Family Connections Sydney is a multi-disciplinary group of professionals dedicated to providing high quality services to children and their families.